Sunday, January 30, 2011

Avenged Sevenfold tattoos by evil double

Photographer’s Notes:
With simple but effective lighting and all the right power poses, the first three for this show was a surprise slice of concert photography heaven.
Never staying in one place for long, M. Shadows was a moving target throughout the concert. Adding to this challenge was the right-handed singer’s tendency to use both hands to grip the mic, which made securing clean shots more difficult.
At the front of the stage, three wide platforms were set up and served double duty as mini-stages and lighting effects. The simple metal platforms, which were skirted in white cloth, featured grills on the top surface and an array of white LEDs below, which would provide underlighting throughout the set.
Aside from their key role in the lighting, these three platforms also became props in an on-going game of musical chairs, as M. Shadows, Zacky Vengeance, Synyster Gates, and Johnny Christ took turns manning these stations with all the appropriate rockstar poses.

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